While I would love to tackle all of the issues that face Hoosiers, it would be an uphill batter. If elected, I would spend my term in office focusing on The LEAP Project/IEDC regulation, water/wastewater infrastructure, public education, and veteran's assistance.
The Leap Project and IEDC
- Call for an immediate and indefinite halt to the project to properly conduct environmental impact and feasibility studies.
- Restructure the review and approval of IEDC projects
- Form a consortium of individuals with backgrounds in land use, conservation, urban and regional planning, environmental sciences, natural resource management, construction management, law, manufacturing, and public administration.
- Work with the consortium, law makers, and the IEDC to form guidelines that continue to allow for economic development while also ensuring full transparency and protecting the safety, well-being, and best interest of constituents.
Water/Wastewater Infrastructure
- Push for the reallocation of IEDC funds to assist in the updating of water/wastewater infrastructure systems in small towns within District 41 and across the state.
- Reevaluating the IEDC’s operations and working with lawmakers to guide the IEDC back to a path that is focused on economic development for all of Indiana, not just corporate Indiana.
- Working with the small towns to pursue additional funding sources such as Community Development Block Grants, endowment funds, bonds, federal grant monies, fundraising drives, and grants from local economic development agencies.
Public Education
- Form a bi-partisan coalition of lawmakers to work with the DOE to craft realistic, attainable, and monetarily feasible educational standards for public education.
- Reevaluate the Indiana Choice Scholarship program and update to apply to public schools only.
- Address the lack of funding to public education.
Veteran’s Assistance
- Work with a bipartisan coalition to reallocate excess state funds into programs and institutions that benefit the men and women who served this country.
- Push for access to mental health professionals, adequate and timely healthcare, affordable housing, assistance in applying for disability and additional care needs.